Industrial Wastewater Treatment System

As environmental pollution becomes more serious, water purification technology that emphasizes global environmental conservation, coexistence with the natural environment, and a recycling-oriented society is desired.

We propose an environmental pollutant removal system (patented) that does not use chemicals. The system is designed to save water, space, and power using the direct purification method.

Registered/introduced to STePP, a sustainable technology dissemination platform proposed by UNIDO.

“MICRO WATER SYSTEM®”: Electrolysis Type Wastewater Treatment Unit | United Nations Industrial Development Organization (

電気分解処理装置。工場排水処理。無薬品で水処理。株式会社イガデン This wastewater purification system has been used in the “Kasumigaura Water Purification Project” (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), a project to develop technology to purify eutrophic lakes and marshes, “Development of Purification Systems for Highly Difficult-to-Level Effluent such as Dairy Parlor Effluent” (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), and “Dam Lake Purification Project” (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism). (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), and “Dam Lake Purification Project” (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism), and has been evaluated for its efficient water purification performance.

Iron rust red water wastewater treatment

Oil emulsification wastewater treatment

Ink Wastewater Treatment


Suitable for various industries
  • Wastewater purification treatment (for a wide range of industries including food, automotive, industrial, chemical, agricultural, metal processing, and resin molding)
  • Oil-mixed emulsified wastewater treatment
  • Livestock and dairy farm wastewater treatment (parlor wastewater, biomass digested liquid treatment, etc.)

Natural environment conservation
  • Eutrophic lake water purification treatment
  • Algaecide and sterilization treatment

Wastewater is diverse, and we may not be able to treat some wastewater due to contaminants or chemicals.

Electrolytic coagulation and oxidation effects
  • Separation and removal of emulsified N-hexane extractables
  • Separation and removal of heavy metals (lead, copper, nickel, mercury, etc.)
  • Separation and removal of SS, BOD, fluorine, phosphorus, cesium, arsenic, and other suspended solids
  • Decomposition of COD, cyanide, nitrate-form/ammonia-form nitrogen
  • Decomposition of chlorine compounds (dioxins)/environmental hormones
  • Rust-preventing effect on piping
  • Sterilization/deodorization/decolorization
  • Advanced treatment
  • Reduction of generated sludge
Please contact us for more information.

  • Applicable water : Fresh water, seawater, (water supply/wastewater, groundwater, industrial water, river water, soft water, hard water, salt water)
  • Applicable temperature: 0 to 80°C
  • Applicable capacity: Develop equipment according to conditions
  • Power source: 100V to 440V

Consumables (maintenance)
  • Consumable electrode plates need to be replaced every 3 months to 1 year for active electrodes, depending on water quality.
  • For inert electrodes, electrodes do not need to be replaced.

Model Capacity
The treatment capacity of the MICRO WATER SYSTEM® electrolysis wastewater treatment system (patented) is custom-designed for each water quality condition.
  1. Wastewater from factories, dairy farms, etc. is diverse and requires immediate water purification treatment after intake of wastewater, so equipment that meets the required purification capacity is necessary according to each site's needs and conditions.
  2. For cooling towers and other closed circulating water systems, it takes more time (3 days to half a month) to improve water quality, so the minimum energy-saving equipment is required.
  3. Lakes and dams (3 months to 1, 2, or 5 years) are gradually purified over a long period of time and treated with equipment appropriate for the local inflow that causes pollution with little energy in a short period of time to directly purify the water before it spreads to the lake and causes pollution.
  • Circulation system treated water (cooling tower, etc.) total storage capacity 10m3 ~.
  • Food factory wastewater treatment 100m3/D
  • Painting wastewater treatment 10m3/D
  • Machinery and chemical plant wastewater treatment 100L/D
  • Dairy farm wastewater treatment 10 m3/D
We can design a system according to the existing facilities, treatment volume, and site conditions, so please contact us.

To calculate treatment capacity, we will ask you to fill out a “preliminary investigation form” and based on the form, we will measure and set conditions such as electrical conductivity, temperature, and treatment time of the sample water, so we will need individual sample information such as pH, flow rate, storage volume, and circulating/runoff water of the target water.

For the determination of the purification feasibility of various wastewater treatment methods and the study and selection of purification methods, we conduct water quality laboratory tests according to the water quality conditions at each site and design the system accordingly.

Water Quality Measurement Certificate Data
Type Specimen Before treatment
After treatment
Removal rate (%)
dioxin waste water 2378-T4CDD 21Pg/L N.D 100.0
dioxins 6100Pg/L 8.5 99.9
Drainage of food processing plant COD 820 6 99.3
BOD 520 1 99.8
Suspended solid 2000 20 99.0
N-hexane extractants 18 0 100.0
Nitrogen 100 9.8 90.2
Kjeldahl nitrogen 100 0.15 99.9
Total phosphorus 23 0.14 99.4
Canning factory
Emulsified oil wastewater
BOD 8600 <1.0 99.9
COD 4300 80 98.1
Suspended solid 1400 3.5 99.8
N-hexane extractants 3500 <1.0 99.9
Total nitrogen 52 1.6 95.8
Total phosphorus 0.6 0.023 96.9
Lunch box factory
Emulsified oil wastewater
BOD 180000 530 99.7
COD 7500 240 96.8
Suspended solid 46000 7.5 99.9
N-hexane extractants 66000 3.1 99.9
Total nitrogen 240 28 88.3
Total phosphorus 8.5 0.29 96.5
Cafeteria drainage BOD 89 12 86.5
COD 130 24 81.5
Suspended solid 150 14 90.7
Nitrogen 15 3.7 75.3
Phosphorus 4 0.3 92.5
Chemical plant waste water Phosphorus 7174 196 97.2
Methane fermentation digestion liquid wastewater treatment BOD 4700 1300 72.5
COD 7700 1000 87.1
Suspended solid 15000 230 98.5
N-hexane extractants 740 18 97.6
Total nitrogen 2000 200 90
Total phosphorus 360 23 93.6
Kitchen ventilation duct cleaning drainage BOD 120000 1300 99
COD 42000 980 98
Suspended Solid 240000 1 100
N-hexane extractants 170000 6 99.9
Total nitrogen 370 4.5 98.8
Total phosphorus 100 1.6 98.4
Groundwater treatment Ionic silica 43 2 95.3
Calcium 14 7.6 45.7
Groundwater treatment Ionic silica 52 0.4 99.2
Chemical plant Amine treatment COD 70000 2685 96.1
Nuclear power related   Cesium (simulated water) 122.5 0.4 99.7
Nitric acid vs. nitrogen 1194 3.9 99.9
9008 67.5 99
Methane fermentation digestion liquid wastewater treatment Ammonium nitrogen 2500 0.004 100
Total nitrogen 3000 120 96
3900 100 99
Scrubber recovery drainage Fluorine 5500 7 99.8
Soy Sauce Wastewater Treatment Chromaticity 34.5 6.6 80
Tap Water Treatment Total hardness 54 7.3 86.5
Automobile plant drainage N-hexane extractants 1100 16 98.5
Automobile plant drainage N-hexane extractants 230000 130 99.9
Suspended solid 16000 6.5 99.9
Pond water purification Suspended solid 730 13 98.2
COD 61 17 72.1
Total nitrogen 3.1 0.83 73.2
Total phosphorus 0.48 0.16 66.7
Total iron 240 6.4 97.3
Escherichia coli 70000 1.8 100.0
Soy Sauce Wastewater Treatment Suspended solid 1480 5 99.7
N-hexane extractants 39 10 74.4
Compressor drainage N-hexane extractants 1100 2.5 99.8
Mineral oil drainage Suspended solid 19100 17 99.9
N-hexane extractants 7500 51 99.3
Paint drainage COD 3680 1080 70.7
Paper mill waste water COD 2785 4.5 99.8
Fluorine 280 3.9 98.6
Chemical plant waste water Ammonia 15 0 100.0
Chemical plant waste water fluorine 69 1.4 97.9
Chemical plant waste water COD 56 7 87.5
TOC 214 88 58.9
N-hexane extractants 185 5 97.3
Total iron 6.3 <0.1 99.8
Nickel plating Drainage Nickel 2190 <0.1 99.9
Nickel plating Drainage Nickel 5400 16.1 99.7
Cyan 13.7 <0.1 99.3
Cyan 10000 0.6 99.9
Waste water containing heavy metals Copper 1.8 <0.02 98.9
Lead 0.03 <0.005 83.3
Water treatment data varies greatly depending on water quality, so removal rates are not promised.

Cost of Wastewater Purification Systems.
Because wastewater is diverse and varies widely from site to site, wastewater purification testing is required each time the wastewater changes.

Wastewater treatment testing.
We will confirm water quality measurement certification data through purification laboratory testing (for a fee) and estimate the initial and running costs of the equipment on a site-by-site basis, depending on wastewater properties, treatment volume, desired purification level, concentration, water quality items, and installation site conditions. (Purification cannot be guaranteed without water quality testing.)

Review and reduction of industrial waste.
If you are currently using dilution and discharge, incineration, distillation and concentration, or industrial waste treatment, we can try detoxification purification of raw water to reduce the amount of diluted water, fuel costs, and CO2 emissions, and achieve significant cost reduction and environmental impact reduction.

Oil-water separation, decolorization, heavy metal removal, COD treatment
Oil separation (oil processing)

High-concentration and hard-to-process emulsified wastewater, coolant, or engine oil is separated for oil and water. The amount of sludge generated is small.

Cafeteria wastewater treatment   Barrel wastewater treatment

Engine oil treatment   Cutting oil treatment

Wastewater Treatment System
  • Wastewater treatment system for research labs
  • Installed at a media device manufacturer
  • Changed from chemical treatment to chemical-free electrolysis water treatment system and automatic operation.

  • Plant wastewater treatment system
  • Installed in Japan

  • Recycle plant wastewater treatment system
  • Installed in Japan

  • Wastewater treatment system
  • Installed in Japan

  • Food plant wastewater treatment system
  • Food plant wastewater treatment

Treatment of cafeteria wastewater
  • Cafeteria wastewater treatment system
  • 1 unit
  • Changed from the activated sludge process to the non-chemical electrolysis treatment

Patent No US6,706,168B2

Copyright (C) IGADEN CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.